Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 Minutes

I rode the exercise bike today. Yep, I put in a whole 5 minutes. After 1 minute, I thought hey, this isn't so bad. I hit 2.20 and wanted to give up. But I was determined to do 5 minutes. I told myself I will do 5 minutes everyday and eventually I will be back to doing 30 minutes on the elliptical. I know exercise is important especially for a Lupus and Fibromyalgia patient. The past few weeks I have been barely able to get the minimal amount work done to keep our home going.  During the weekend Jim and I went to Cincinnati for the Homeschool Conference. Lots of walking. Often I had to say, Hey Jim, I need you to slow down. He never had a problem, we just went turtle speed together.

I used to love to exercise, running, rowing, playing soccer and tennis then Lupus showed up. I was 12 when I started having arthritis in my hips, problems with fatigue, and my heart rate. Lupus was at the back of my mind, but I didn't want that diagnosis. I watched my sister suffer day after day. Lupus was this mysterious disease that was exhausting her body and damaging her organs. By the time I was a freshman, my sister had lost her battle. My body began to slow down. I couldn't wait to get into bed after soccer practice. The pain in my joints and fatigue took over. I started having fevers, my hair was falling out,  and my mouth filled with sores. A year later I was given a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and borderline Lupus.  The next year I thought I was doing better but then during tennis conditioning  my heart began racing then dropped.  As I lay in the hospital I realized I wouldn't be playing sports for awhile.  During my senior year I was officially diagnosed with Lupus and started on Plaquanil.  I became so sensitive to UV lights I could only go to school for half day. I was determined to go to prom, unfortunately my body didn't have the same determination. I was rushed to the hospital after just a few dances. I was never able to return to school.  My lupus had officially arrived. In the next 17 years I would suffer, kidney, vascular,central nervous involvement, plus a increase in photosensitivity to all forms of UV light.

I have had remissions where I could be active almost like I didn't have Lupus. I could have a normal exercise routine, play a tennis set, kick the soccer ball around. I could out walk Jim. I have learned in the last twenty years my Lupus can slow me down but I will be back out there. I'll just need to start with 5 minutes!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is amazing...I've only known a little about your struggles...I didn't know all the details.
    Your life is such an inspiration to me. Keep on going!!! You are awesome, Cousin!!
